End Of Line Tester (EOL)
Our 416 Automation End of Line (EOL) testers are designed and built from the ground up to meet the requirements of automotive electrical/functional testing. At the heart of our test solution is our ETS hardware which we have developed and perfected over the years and which has a solid track record of performance and accuracy. Layered on top of that is our PC-based user interface and control system which offers industry-leading performance and convenient features. Our testers are designed to test various components like seats, steering wheels, instrument panels, center-consoles, forward-looking radar systems, front-end modules and much more.
Versatile Testing Capability
Our advantage lies in our deep testing experience with multiple ECU vendors and our system architecture’s ability to safely and accurately test automotive parts like airbags, pretensioners, heated and vented seats, entertainment systems, audio systems and much more.
Customizable Testing Solutions
We understand the uniqueness of each requirement. If your product needs a specific test, we collaborate to develop and implement a tailored solution, ensuring your exact needs are met.
Advanced Testing Technology
Equipped with our ETS, our testers have all the basic measurement channels that most automotive testing applications require. ETS is designed to be robust, accurate and optimized for your demanding automotive test requirements.
Integration with Test Result Server (TRS)
Our EOL testers support advanced integration with our TRS for centralized data aggregation and analysis. When you pair our testers with TRS, log files are conveniently linked to each test record and you have access to production insights such as top errors and traceability on changes to test limits.